View issues with Tan Seng Giaw

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The implementation of Automatic Enfoecement System (AES) must be fair

We feel that Transport Minister Datuk Kong Cho Ha must review the effects of AES on drivers. Now, he reminds those who have received notices or summons to appeal directly to the court, not to his ministry. He has not been able to show that AES implementation is fair and that it has reduced the accident rate drastically. These naturally cause discontent.

The minister must explain whether the privatisation of AES encourages the company to put closed circuit TV and camera at strategic sites where motorists are likely to break the law. The more pictures are taken, the more summons and fines are imposed. The company makes money on unfortunate motorists who naturally feel unhappy.

We hope that motorists will not break the laws such as going through red light. In Malaysia, will AES reduce the rate of accidents?


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