Can increase in personnel be enough to control inflation?
DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw urges the Government to step up its efforts to control inflation.
On 30 March, 2006, Dr Tan asked the Minister for Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Datuk Mohd Shafie Bin Haji Apdal about additional personnel to control the price of goods in the country. He replied that there was an increase of 745 personnel and proposed increase of 17 offices.
The total number of enforcement personnel in the ministry is 1746 and the offices will increase from 55 to 72. We hope that the increase in officers and offices will be effective in controlling inflation.
After the recent increase of petrol price by 30 sen per litre, prices of goods have shot up. In fact as the price of crude oil is over US$60 per barrel, the Consumer Price Index has increased by 1.8% a year in the past five years.
We notice that the Government has not been able to stop price hike effectively. Hence, we would like to see not just the increase in the number of officers and offices, but also the improvement in enforcement. We need more committed and disciplined personnel to check the price of goods in the country.