View issues with Tan Seng Giaw

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Full Report on Teaching Science and Mathematics in English

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw believes that the Government should present the Comprehensive Report on the Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English.

We would like to know the result of the programme after after implementing for six years.

On 19.3.2009, Dr Tan took part in the parliamentary debate on the Supplementary Bill during the committee stage on education after the ministry has used over RM 20 bilion, such as RM 150 million for the sixth stage of the teaching of science and mathematics in English.

The computerisation of the 7643 primary schools in the country must be upgraded because there are weaknesses such as some computers are too old and not working well.

In the Supplementary Bill, the Education Ministry has spent RM150 million on the teaching of science and mathematics in English and the upgrading the information and communications technology. In the last six years, over three million pupils are being or have been taught uner the programme. Some of the over 200,000 primary school teachers have been trained under the programme. How many of them have reached the required standard.

The society has different views on the programme. For example, the Malay Language Association and the Dong Jiao Zhong (The Joint Independent Chinese Schools' Teachers an Boards Association) are against the teaching of Science and Maths using English. Some support it.

Although many Chinese primary schools use English in a fashion, the teaching of science and maths is basically in Mandarin.

One of the important factors is the quality of thousands of teachers who teach the subjects. How many are truly good at teaching the subjects? How could those who are not so good at it receive help?

From the 27 teachers' institutes and 20 public universities, how many graduates are really qualified to teach science and maths? The Education Ministry must pay as much attention as possible.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fair distribution of 63,000 new civil service jobs to all races

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw proposes that the Government distribute fairly the 63,000 new civil service jobs to all races. These jobs should not be for special poltical cadres who receive salaries for doing precious little work. Their only duty is to support certain political leaders. But, the people would not accept them as they receive public fund.

On 10.3.2009, the Deputy Prime MInister and Finance Minister Dato' Seri Najib presented the Second Stimulus Economic Package RM 60 bilion; towards the end of last year, he put up RM7 bilion First Package. The packages are to reduce unemployment, lighten people's burden, help the private sector and create capacy for the future.

The allocation to reduce unemployment is RM 2 billion, including the creation of 63,000 civil servants. The racial appointment system is unacceptable. How many civil servants are ideal for the country? Are the 1.2 million civil servants too many? There are increasingly fewer Non-Malay civil servants; over 90% are Malays.

Now, we should eradicate racialism in the civil service. 63,000 new members must be multiracial. The Government must truly form an independent appointment committee that is based on fair criteria including meritocracy.

We shall continue to bring up in the House the true nature of multiracialism in Malaysia. We must have more non-Malays in the civil service.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

144 local governments should refrain from increasing assessment & other taxes during this economic slowdown

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw proposes that 144 local governments including the Kuala Lumpur city halls (KLCH) refrain from increasing assessment and other taxes during this difficlut time in the Malaysian economy. Let us lighten the burden on city folks.

On 15.3.2009, Dr Tan issued a statement on assessment and other taxes by KL City Hall.

During this economic slowdown, people wish that the Government would not increase taxes. But, KLCH and others have their own views on these. Some city folks like Kepong Baru residents do not understand the measures taken by KLCH.

At the end of last year, the Government presented the First Economic Stimulus Package, RM 7 billion, to assist people to face the economic challenges. Only RM 1 billion has been allocated and by the end of this year RM 5.2 billion will have been used. Last week, the Finance Minister Dato' Seri Najib presented the Second Economic Stimulus Package of RM 60 billion in Parliament, to deal with the effects of the world financial tsunami.

We hope that the allocations are given to those who are truly in need as soon as possible. These should not be affected by bureaucracy and other hindrances so that they only benefit a few people. Besides the Project Monitoring Unit, a full report on the stimulus packages should be presented in every session of parliamentary meetings.

As the price of properties continues to go down, some are waiting for the price to reach bottom before buying them. On the other hand, 144 local authorities such as KLCH must adopt a wise and sympathetic policy, encouraging people to pay their bills and refraining from raising taxes. Let the people have a breathing space.

There are city folks who use residential properties to do business as quit rent and assessment are higher for business premises. The authorities should have informed owners much before the economic slowdown.

We shall raise the matters in Parliament so that the Government will be more concerned about the suffering of the people. Will the economy pick up at the end of the year?

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ensure that the Stimulus Packages truly ease the burden of the people

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw insists that 67-billion ringgits economic stimulation packages must reach those who truly need help, not just a few people.

Dr Tan comments on the Second Economic Stimulation Package of RM 60 billion presented by the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib in the House on 10.3.2009.

At the end of last year, Najib did not follow procedure to present the First Economic Stimulation Package of RM 7 billion. Yesterday, he adhered to the Standing Order and put forward the Second Economic Stimulus of RM 60 billion. Hitherto, only RM1 billion from hte first package has been allocated and by the end of this year RM5.2 billion would have been used. The RM60 billion second package is for 2009 and 2010, to enable the country to face the increasingly severe economic downturn. The four thrusts are: reducing unemployment, easing the burden of the people, assisting the private sector and building capacity for the future.

The Government says that it will continue to implement appropriate measures to strengthen the confidence of the people and ease the burden, particularly of the vulnerable groups. Their welfare will be protected so that none are marginalised. I hope that it will keep to the promise.

For example, the Government allocates RM 2 billion to deal with unemployment. It withdraws the permit to bring in 55,000 Bengladesh workers. This is correct. We have to investigate why we continue to allow in immigrant workers. The Human Resource Ministry must step up its enforcement of the laws and the management of immigrant workers, including illegals. As they come illegally, their number is not accurately known.

Besides construction industry, plantation and domestic help, levy on foreign workers will be doubled for all sectors. Will this lead to an increase in the number of illegals? We would like to see those who are involved in immigrants are efficient, avoiding irregularities.

The Government gives RM674 million as subsidies to prevent the increase in the price of goods such as sugar, bread and flour. We expect the allocation to be used effectively.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw