Police must be transparent and fair in solving cases that may spark racial emotion.
DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw proposes that the police adopt an open, transparent and just attitude in tackling crimes especially deaths committed by a person of one race on victims belonging to a different race, such as the deaths in Jinjang North, Kepong Baru and Sri Segambut.
This statement is issued by Dr Tan on the death of a 16-year-old Malay in Sri Segambut after an attack by an Indian gang on 20 May, 2006.
In this plural society, every person has a duty to preserve racial peace and harmony. In the last few years, the changing society and the pattern of crimes cause concern. A criminal of one race maims or kills a victim of another race, sparking off racial sentiment. We must douse this sentiment.
On 2 March, 11 May and 20 May, this year, I have communicated with the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Mohd Bakri, reflecting cases of death that give rise to disquiet. On 28 January, 2006, a Chinese youth in Jinjang North was injured and he subsequently died. On 2 February, 2006, a male university student of Chinese origin was stabbed to death in Kepong Baru. The attackers were Indian. Now, all eyes are on Indian and Malay gangs. What happens to Chinese gangs?
Last week, a Malay gang terrorized and injured an Indian youth from Jinjang Selatan Tambahan. I have been told that a police report was lodged. What did the police do? On 13 may, 2006, in retaliation an Indian gang killed a 16-year-old Malay boy in Sri Segambut, Jinjang South. The police action has been noticeable: the rounding up of Indians in Jinjang Selatan Tambahan and relevant areas and road blocks. This is to prevent reprisals of Malay gang on Indians.
Some have asked: Why had the police not taken similar measures on 28 January, 2006 and 2 February, 2006 in Jinjang North and Kepong Baru respectively? It has to be seen to be fair.
The police know of these gangs. What is the relationship between them? What has the police done to curb their activities? Are they involved in robberies, snatch thievings, break-ins, dadah and so forth?
Residents of Indian descent in Jinjang Selatan Tambahan and Malay areas nearby are under pressure. What are the ways used by the police to calm and protect the different societies?
News on the above-stated cases can be suppressed. But, racial feelings take time to go away.
Robberies, snatch thievings, criminal injuries and murders occur in the whole country. We hope the incidence decreases. The police must be seen to be open and fair in solving these cases. This year, the allocation for the police is over RM5 billion. The implementation of the 125 recommendations by the Royal Commission will make it easier for the police to overcome the problems.