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Monday, December 17, 2007

Consider why Australia & UK must set up separate police complaints commission

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong calls on the Government to reconsider the effectiveness of Special Complaints Commission (SCC). It should also try to understand why Australia and U.K. set up independent police complaints commission besides ombudsman that covers various government departments.

Dr Tan comments on the SCC Bill 2007 that was presented for first reading in Parliament on 13.12.2007.

For many years, the public have things to say about the police. There are many dedicated police pesonnel. Just like other fields, some police personnel are black sheep, letting the people down. Hence, the Government formed a Royal Commission to enhance the operation and management of the police. In 2005, the Royal Commission proposed 125 recommendations, that included Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), to meet the requests of the people.

But then, the police feel that it has been singled out. Other departments such as Road Transport Department and Customs and Excise department also have black sheep. Why should they be left out?

Australia and United Kingdom have ombudsman to receive complaints against various departments. They have found that this bureau cannot deal with complaints against the police effectively. Thus, they set up Independent Police Complaints Commission to handle complaints against police.

Now, SCC includes the Inspector-General of Police and the Director of Anti-Corrupti0n Agency as members. This is controversial. Since SCC is independent, why does it have IGP and Director of ACA as members?

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Friday, December 14, 2007

Study meaning of parliamentary precinct and introduce long-term vision

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw proposes that the parliamentary House Committee study the real meaning of parliamentary precinct and introduce a long-term vision and plan to increase the precinct to over 300,000 square metres. This is to prepare for the future.

Dr Tan proposed it in the House on 14.12.2007, when the Minister at the Prime Minister's Department Dato' Seri Haji Mohamed Nzari was winding up the debate on the Constitutional Amendment Bill to increase the salaries of Speakers and their Deputies in the Senate and Dewan Rakyat.

On 11.12.2007, the police arrested some people including the former Deputy Minister Datuk Mustapha Ali at the parliament building. We believe this is contempt of parliament.

Nazri argues that only in the House (the chamber) that the police could not act. This is unacceptable. Parliamentary immunity should be in the precinct, not just the chamber. This arises from the doctrine of the separation of powers into the legislature, the judiciary and the executive.

The House Committee or a special Select Committee should study in detail whether parliament means the chamber only or the whole precinct. It is time that this is made clear.

Parliamentary precinct must be extended. There are plots of land behind the existing parliamentary building. These should be acquired as part of the long-term vision and plan for parliamentary precinct which should be more than 300,000 square metres.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tighten measures on points of entry against illegal immigrants

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw reiterates that the Government tighten the measures against illegal immigrants who enter the country along our long shoreline.

Dr Tan reminded the Home Affairs Ministry on 10.12.2007 during the debate at committee stage on the allocation of RM 1.386 billion for the ministry following the policy debate on the Supply Bill (2008 budget).

There have been migrations of people since the advent of man on earth. In the past two decades, the development of Malaysia attracts immigrants such as from Indonesia, Myanma, and the Philippines.

The official figure for legal immigrants is 2.2 million. We do not know the number of illegal ones. Some say it is 700,000. Without them, some sectors such as agriculture, plantations, and construction will be badly affected.

The implications and the consequences of massive immigration are profound. The Government must study these effects. What has happened to countries with many years of immigration like USA, UK, Germany and France? Germany has a population of nearly 80 million with a report of 4 million immigrants. On the other hand, Malaysia has a population of over 26 million with immigrants of over 2 millions, perhaps 3 or 4 million.

This country has a long shoreline. While there are more than 400 registered points of entry, there are said to be over 700 unofficial points of entry. The ministry must improve its coordination with other agencies such as the police and the army, so that the supervision of all points of entry can be improved.

USA has used modern technology to police its border with Mexico and other South American countries. Still, she has had difficulty in controlling illegal immigration.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Transitional period:local authorities must collect rubbish

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw insists that the Ministry of Housing and Local Government directs all local authorities (LAs) to collect solid waste effectively.

During this transitional period, the management of solid waste is still the responsibility of LAs and the companies appointed in the process of privatization.

Dr Tan raised the issue on 4.12.2007 when Parliament debated the Supply Bill (2008 budget) at the committee stage with the allocation of RM 2.65 billion for the ministry. It should monitor the 144 LAs such as the City Hall Kuala Lumpur (CHKL) and Alam Flora. The Parliamentary Secretary for the ministry Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam replied to the matters raised by members.

In June this year, the House passed a series of amendment to the laws such as the Local Government Act to enable the Federal Government to take over the management of solid waste in the country. This will be enforced fully in April, 2008.

As we have reminded the ministry in the House, no sooner the laws are passed some LA officials regard the responsibility of rubbish disposal lies with the centre. So, they do not take the matter seriously. In some places such as the long house, Seri Segambut, Jinjang South, the uncollected rubbish makes life impossible for the residents. Despite repeated calls from the public, DBKL and Alam Flora don't seem to care.

We continue to remind DBKL and other LAs to collect all rubbish during this transitional period.
They must respond to the calls of the people.

Naturally, the habit of some people who simply throw rubbish makes matter worse. Would education and law enforcement help them to change their habit?

Besides collection of solid waste during the transitional period, the Government must be very careful in fixing the rate of payment for rubbish disposal. This will cause controversy.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Monday, December 03, 2007

Must have more doctors & facilities in government clinics in the country

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw reiterates that the Health Ministry improve the manpower and the facilities in all government clinics, including the Jinjang District Health Clinic.

Other places such as Temerloh Hospital and many village clinics face similar shortages of personnel and facilities.

The Health Clinic in Jinjang North treats over 500 out-patients daily,covering a radius of over four kilometers with a population of about 300,000. It provides maternal and child care. It is on 999 calls. It treats over 30 drug addicts with methadone.

On 2.12.2007, Dr Tan accompanied some residents to revisit the new Jinjang Clinic that has 10 consulting rooms, six doctors, six medical assistants, no physiotherapist and no occupational therapist. The next day, Dr Tan raised the shortage of doctors and the inadequate facilities in Parliament during the debate on the Supply Bill at the committee stage with the allocation of RM 12.9 billion for the Health Ministry including RM 1.6 billion for public health.

On 23.4.2006, we visited the Jinjang Clinic. Then, it had just been shifted from the old clinic at Jalan Selangor, Jinjang Utara. In the old clinic, the number of daily outpatients was about 300 with five doctors.

A physiotherapist from Putrajaya Hospital visits the clinic once a week. We propose that the Government gives five more doctors, one physiotherapist, one occupational therapist, one ambulance, one MPV, one van, and for methadone patients, a special waiting room and toilet.

While it is important to encourage progress in medicine such as transplantation of heart and lung, it is equally important to provide good services for the care of patients with diseases of high incidence such as over 40,000 HIV/AIDS, kidney, dengue, cancer and diabetic patients. Over 6,000 persons died in traffic accidents with thousands injured every year. Cases such as heart and lung transplant attract publicity.

The Health Ministry has insisted on a comprehensive, effective, easily available and comfortable medical service with suitable technology and high standard. It should try harder to attain its objective.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw