View issues with Tan Seng Giaw

Monday, February 18, 2008

Dr Tan Seng Giaw, Biodata & issues raised.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw has been a Member of Parliament for Kepong since 1982, speaking out without fear or favour. He visits the constituency regularly. He also faces major obstacles such as the controversial delineation of electoral boundaries, government control of the media and the judiciary.

Brief Background

Dr Tan speaks and writes Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mandarin fluently;he writes Jawi. He went to Chung Hwa Primary School, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, and Chung Ling High School, Penang. He graduated from Leeds University, England, proceeding to Doctorate of Medicine. He served as a physician in the Malaysian Army. He is a Consultant Dermalogist in private practice with his wife, who is a Paediatrician. His two children are doctors in paediatrics and geriatrics respectively.

Dr Tan was born in Kota Bharu in 1942. In 1976 he helped the late Dr Tan Chee Khoon to serve in Kepong. He is DAP's National Deputy Chairman since 2004. In 1987 - 1988, he was detained under the Internal Security Act; he has written a book The First 60 Days on the experience.

In the past 30 years, Kepong has had many housing estates and commercial areas. The four- kilometre Jalan Kepong, from Jalan Kuching to the Kepong Flyover (MRR2) has two hypermarkets, two hotels and over 20 branches of banks.

The duties of a member of parliament include speaking out loud and clear in Parliament, keeping an eye on legislations, public fund, civil servants, major issues, education and important things that affect constituents such as strata titles.

KL Budget

In 2008, the City Hall Kuala Lumpur (CHKL) budget is RM 2.457 billion with the theme of "Towards Developing and Harmonising KL." It employs nearly 10,000 people, managing assessment, roads, traffic, drains, health, parks, closed circuit television ( CCTVs) and so forth. It spends RM 168 million a year on solid waste (rubbish).

In Kepong, flyovers will be built at the 7th mile Metro Prima and Jinjang, costing RM 10 to 15 million each. The hawkers have received notice to vacate for the RM 600 million project to widen Jalan Kepong Baru-Jalan Api Api.

We maintain that all development allocations must be used effectively, that all services are efficient and that CHKL workers treat the public correctly.


Just like other parts of KL, traffic in Kepong can be congested. The delay in the flood mitigation project in Jinjang and the Segambut-Kepong road project affect traffic flow. There must be greater efforts to relieve traffic congestion.

Prices of goods

Despite the government insisting that the increase in inflation rate is 2 to 2.5% this year, those who go marketing know that the price of goods has gone up 50% or more. The increase in the price of commodities such as petroleum reaching US$ 100 per barrel from time to time makes Malaysians worried about further price hike in the months ahead.

The Government must have effective mechanism to control inflation in this country, including the accurate reflection of inflation rate in urban and rural areas.


The police should implement the 125 recommendations of the Royal Commission to enhance the operation and management of the force as much as possible. It should consider IPCMC seriously because the alternative of Special Complaints Commission as proposed by the Government for all government departments may not be effective.

In 2006, there were 44,016 cases of serious crimes in the country; and in 2007, there were 49,897, an increase of 13.36 %. We need more facilities to train 60,000 police personnel in the next five years; there must be more non-Malay members.

In Kepong and Jinjang, there are about 60 police personnel respectively. We definitely need more and better members. Further, there is an urgent need to split Sentul, the biggest police district in Kuala Lumpur, into Sentul District and Wangsa Maju District.


The Government talks about making Malaysia a regional centre of excellence in education to attract students within and outside the country. Now, we have 60,000 foreign students. We have to insist on meritocracy and fairness at all levels, making sure that our universities are in the World University Rankings. In 2007, University of Malaya, National University and University of Science are not in the rankings of the top 200 universities.

The Government has to be fair to schools of all streams. Every year, development allocation for schools is about RM 400 million. Recently, the Prime Minister gives RM 30 million to Chinese schools. Deputy PM and Menteri Besars mention similar allocations. It is not enough to talk about relocating 13 under-enrolled Chinese from rural to densely populated areas as has been done in the last few years. We shall follow up the offical announcement to build new Chinese schools in Wangsa Maju, Sungai Long, Kajang, Bukit Serdang, Rawang and Danga Bay.

The Government has to give the amount of money as announced and fulfill all the promises on building more Chinese schools.

There is a need to assist the two new Chinese schools in Kepong area such as Desa Jaya II and Kepong III and to build a new national school where there is a demand such as around Jinjang.

'New Economic Policy' and government contracts

There must be genuine efforts to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor and between regions. We require a policy of merits and need. But, to keep on with the New Economic Policy which was meant to end in 1990 is unacceptable. The Government should stop contracts or privileges going to selected few who can stand on their own feet.

All races must have equal treatment, including the Indians. We shall continue to fight for equality of all races.

For example, in May 2007, the Finance Ministry issued a letter to the Works Ministry, saying that all mechanical and electrical works must be offered to Bumiputera contractors only. This causes unhappiness. The government must review the tender system and the effects of all contracts awarded in such a manner.

Let us see international standards in all development regions: Iskandar Development Region (IDR), Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), East Coast Economic Region (ECER), Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) and Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (Score).

Between 2001 and 2010, the Federal Government development expenditure is RM 200 billion. According to the Works Minister, his ministry has spent 60% of its RM 20 billion allocation for projects under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP). The Government would have to reveal the percentage of the expenditure that is actually used for development. Is it 50% or higher? What happens to the rest of the money?

The delay in the flood mitigation project in Jinjang is due partly to the contractor failing to pay the subcontractor. Works on the Kepong MRR2 started in May 1999 and completed in December, 2006 with cracks in 31 out of 33 pillars. Eight foreign experts were engaged. The repair cost jumped from RM 18 million to RM 70 million. Hitherto, the Government has not told us whether it is successful in claiming back the repair cost from the contractor.

Strata titles

Many strata titles have not been completed in projects all over the country, including Jinjang and Kepong. We shall continue to raise the issue. The Land and Mine Office, CHKL and Survey and Mapping Department must improve their efficiency.

Structural Plan

The KL Structural Plan is to make KL the international tropical garden city of lights. It was gazetted on 4.11.2004 and its local plan was supposed to be completed by December, 2006. Now, we are still waiting for the local plan.

In 2008, the 9 MP allocates RM 374.8 million for KL. This should also be used effectively to provide more facilities and infrastructure for Youth, Women, Senior Citizens and The Disabled.