View issues with Tan Seng Giaw

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Members must adapt to the new situation in the House

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw hopes that all concerned will adapt to the new atmosphere in Parliament, so that big issues will be debated.

On 30.4.2008, Dr Tan was in the House during the question time when the proceeding was telecast directly for half an hour for the first time in the history of Parliament. What happened was arguments between a few members and the Speaker mostly over the Standing Order (S.O.)

The Member for Bukit Gelugor began with S.O.,saying that on 28.4.2008, some members swore in without holding up their right hand rendering it invalid. The Speaker rejected it, saying that he had made a decision that the swearing-in of all 222 members were valid.

After the Prime Minister answered the first question about enhancing the quality of life for the people, such as setting up a Cabinet Committee on Inflation and elevating the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) into a Commission, the Speaker would not allow supplementary questions. This caused an uproar. The Member for Ipoh Timur protested. The Question Time must have supplementary questions. The PM said that the Speaker must allow one or two supplementary questions for each question. Order returned.

Some members picked at one another. The Member for Pasir Mas remarked that the Member for Bukit Gelugor should stand when he spoke (he was in a wheelchair as he was weak in his legs). This type of remark should be avoided.

In about one and a half hours of Question Time only three questions were answered. Then the debate on the King's Speech , that was presented on 29.4.2008, began.

The Speaker must be fair and just. Members must follow the S.O. All concerned must adapt to the new situation in the House.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Monday, April 28, 2008

EC must be fair to all who use the new technology in election campaigns

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw calls on the Election Commission (EC) to be fair and just to candidates and political parties that campaign using website,blog and SMS during elections.

More people will be using the new technology to spread their message during elections. Let us make sure that they get a fair deal.

Dr Tan comments on the statement by the Deputy Chairman of EC, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, who says on 27.4.2008 that action can be taken by EC against those who campaign using the new technology, if they are found to infringe the regulations.

The Election Offences Act, 1954, does not cover the newer technology such as blog and SMS. This means that EC is considering amending the Act to acquire wider power that covers campaigns through the modern technology.

We hope that all those who use the new technology will speak the truth, relying on proven facts.
What is important is that EC must be fair and just in dealing with all who use the new technolgy to campaign during elections.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Friday, April 25, 2008

How many rooms in Parliament have been renovated for ministers?

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw asks the Works Minister Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed the number of rooms that have been renovated for ministers in Parliament.

Today, 25.4.2008, Dr Tan responds to the statement by the Minister who says that Parliament House is all set for the sitting of 222 MPs. He inspected ministers' cubicles, media centre and the rooftop area.

We look forward to the the Parliament that will no longer leak. We notice that the Public Works Department has increased the number of engineers to look after the building. Mohd Zin should let us know how many engineers do we need. Apparently, the number has been increased from two to four.

In April 2005, when I stood up to ask the Deputy Speaker to stop the proceedings in the House which was leaking. He reassured me that it was fine. Then, the leakage was severe, prompting the Speaker to adjourn the House the next day.

It seems that for ministers who do not have a house in Kuala Lumpur, the Government has renovated about 20 rooms in Parliament for them. As Cabinet meeting will no longer be on Wednesdays, does this mean that the House will see more ministers at any time?

Meanwhile, we want to know how much has been spent on all the repairs and renovations in Parliament including ministers' rooms.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Destruction of trees in Taman Intan Baiduri Kepong

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw urges all concerned to take serious notice of the recent destruction of trees at the junction of Jalan Taman Intan Baiduri and Jalan Kepong -Selayang.

On 20.4.2008, Dr Tan visited the site where bulldozers were clearing trees, some of which might be 100 years old. Then, there was no signboard indicationg the nature of the works.

Recently, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) creates Heritage Park or Forest Science Park near the entrance to the institute. This adjoins the site of felling of trees. But, FRIM does not bulldoze the trees.

According to the Deputy Director of Operations of FRIM, Abd Latif Mohmod, at one time the above-said area was a forest reserve under FRIM. But, during the redelineation, it was given to an outside company.

The Selangor Government must investigate the matter and come out with a statement. How was the forest reserve surrendered to a private firm? What measures can be taken?

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hotline for FT MPs to contact the Minister, Datuk Bandar and Director-General of DBKL.

In a 20 minute speech on 17.4.2008, Dr Tan Seng Giaw, MP for Kepong, presented his views on the need to improve the access of MPs to the FT Minister, the Mayor (Datuk Bandar) and the Director-General of City Hall Kuala Lumpur (DBKL), the part played by DBKL to reduce the effects of inflation on city folks, assessment, public trransport and road projects, flood mitigation, solid and liquid waste disposal, abandoned or delayed project, small and medium enterprise (SME) and foreign workers, the use and misuse of land, zero squatter and people's housing programme (PPR), facilities such as sports and clinics, environment, youth, senior citizens and drug trafficking and addiction.

The ministry has to consider carefully the allocation of an office for the Pakatan Rakyat secretariat. Meanwhile, there must be some sorts of hotline to facilitate the access of MPs to the minister, datuk bandar and the director-general of DBKL on major issues or emergencies.

The increase in the price of commodies such as flour and soya and petrol touching US$ 112 per barrel puts pressure on inflation domestically. DBKL would have to work out the ways to reduce the effects of inflation on city folks, especially in its enforcement. While there is a need to ensure that SME and traders conform with the regulations, it is also necessary to have a human face.

Legal and illegal immigrant workers are fould in various industries and trades. While there should not be abused of human rights on all workers including immigrants, DBKL should also assist city folks in getting a fair deal.

This is applicable to assessment in which DBKL is very keen. Because of the current economic situation, assessment must not be an undue burden on city dwellers.

The number of people entering KL is increasing. Each day, there are over 2.5 million people. But, road projects are limited. Traffic jam occurs. One solution is improving public transport. Now, only 19% of city folks use public transport. Some cities such as Singapore may be as high as 70%. We have to improve the use of buses, commuters, light rail transit and monorail. More and affordable parking spaces must be created in outlying areas. We do not want to see empty buses; Rapid KL should not be Slow KL.

Flood mitigation must be efficient. Package I, the smart tunnel, (costing RM 2.1 billion) has been completed for use as tolled road before the mitigation of flood. It is more like smart toll. As there is rain almost everyday partly because of the climate change, floods appear. Package II is the channeling of excess water from Gombak, Batu and Jinjang to the three large ponds in Jinjang North, costing RM 804 million. It is delayed for a year. At one time, the conractor did not pay the subcontractor.

DBKL spends RM 180 million a year on solid waste in KL. For over 30 years, most of KL's rubbish has been dumped in Jinjang North. Even today, the only transfer station that runs on RM 50 million a year is in Jinjang North. The rubbish is processed at the station. Then, it is transported to Bukit Tagar in Selangor. As the Federal Government has taken over the management of rubbish in the country, its disposal presents problems especially illegal dumpings. Truly, we need a more efficient management of solid waste in KL.

DBKL should announce the number, cost and solution to abandoned or delayed projects in the city. For example, People's Square in Pudu and the Kuala Lumpur International Radio Control Circuit at Metropolitan Park in Kepong. The circuit project started at the beginning of 2007 in the biggest public park managed by DBKL. The fencing is spoilt and clear water collecting in tins and pails, breeding Aedes mosquitoes. KL is short of land.

There must be genuine efforts to ensure that vacant land and green lung are used properly. Now, trespassers misuse some of these spaces. DBKL appears hlepless.

Drug continues to be a serious threat. Its trafficking and addiction remain major problems. DBKL must double its efforts to help contain the menace.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Crime Free Zone (CFZ) within 1,000 metres from a police station

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw requests the police force to ensure that there is no crime committed within 1,000 metres from a police station including Kepong and Jinjang Police Stations.

Dr Tan presented the request to AC Ahmad Sofian Md Yassin at a meeting with the OCPD of Sentul District at his office on 10.4.2008.

While it is not possible to be free of crimes completely, it is imperative that the police try their best to reduce crime rate as much as possible. Crimes in the country including Kuala Lumpur and Kepong continue to make people wary. For example, the spate of break-ins, snatch thefts and robberies in Kepong touches on the raw nerve of the residents. This includes those in other areas such as Kepong Baru.

In the last three months, over 15 break-ins occur in Taman Kepong within 1,000 metres from the Kepong Police Station. These thievies know the habit of police in patrol and they strike opportunistically.

We understand that the police have Crime Free Zone (CFZ) within 1,000 metres from a police station. We would like to see more efforts against crimes, but also CFZ. We need more and better trained personnel.

Dr Tan Seng Giaw