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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Political Party Should Not Interfere With University Administration

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw reiterates that no political party should interfere with university administration such as appointment of professors and enrolment.

On 20.3.2012, Dr Tan comments on the conferment of autonomy to five public universities in Malaysia. Lets hope that there is genuine autonomy.

Yesterday, the Higher Education Minister YB Datuk Seri Khalid Nordin confirmed in parliament that the ministry had given autonomy to UM, UKM,USM, UPM and UTM. This was to make them more dynamic, more competitive and able to compete globally.

This country has 20 public universities. In the 2012 Times ratings, none are within the top 400 universities in the world. For example, the top is California Technical College,Hong Kong University is 34,Singapore National University 40, Beijing University 49 and Taiwan National University 154. The criteria for ratings such as percentage of graduate marketability, high-impact research and the number of international students are controversial. Nevertheless, the quality of Malaysian universities has to be raised.

After attaining autonomy, these universities must develop in all aspects. We continue to monitor.

We stress that there should be no interference of public universities by any political party in their administration, finance, human resource, academic management and enrolment.

Tan Seng Giaw

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Fair and Just Remunerations

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw reminds the Central Government that the remuneration scheme for the civil servants must be fair and just.

A commission to execute a comprehensive study of the remuneration system for civil servants is a step in the right direction. How many government officers is suitable for Malaysia?

On 8.3.2012, Dr Tan comments on YAB Najib's action to scrap the SBPA and to form a commission on the remuneration scheme for civil servants.

The country needs good, efficient, clean and polite civil servants. They must be paid fairly and justly.

Discarding SBPA today, the Prime Minister says that the 'existing Malaysian Remuneration System (SSM) would be reintroduced with improvements.'

"The matrix salary schedule would be improved to reflect minimum-maximum salaries with increments ranging from RM80 to RM320 for grades 1 to 54. The annual increment for Jusa grades will remain according to the SSM.

The Government has agreed for the Cost of Living Allowance (Cola) to be increased from RM200 to RM250 for the B area, and from RM100 to RM150 for the C area.

We hope that the commission will truly do a comprehensive study of the civil service, not only on the salary scheme. but also the number and quality of civil servants suitable for the country. While aiming for fair and just remunerations, we hope the civil service will be good, efficient, clean and polite.

Tan Seng Giaw

Tan Seng Giaw

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Let the Government disclose the details of the source of funding for BR1M scheme.

DAP National Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw urges the Central Government to reveal the details of the source of funding for the Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) scheme, so as to dispel the misgivings such as the news report of borrowing from International Monetary Fund to finance the scheme.

On 1.3.2012, Dr Tan comments on the PM YAB Najib's statement that the source of funding for BR1M is the Inland Revenue, and not the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Today, the PM says that the Government does not need external borrowing to finance BR1M, as tax collection is sufficient to meet the payouts.

According to the Finance Ministry, as of February 12, it has paid out RM602,579,500 for the scheme. 4,597,434 people had made applications and 3,580.916 had been approved.
It is reasonable to help the genuinely poor. BR1M must be truly fair. It is important to know the source of funding. We need transparency and accountability.
The Central Government stresses that the 2012 budget allocates for BR1M. It has not borrowed from IMF, World Bank or our own Employees' Provident Fund.

We hope that the PM announce the details the BR1M funding. Lets have the truth.

Tan Seng Giaw