It is correct to fight for gender equality in all fields. Injustice
weighs heavily against women such as hunger, disease, unremitting toil,
poverty,deprivation and discrimination. In divorces, women tend to
suffer most. Women tend to lose out on inheritance. 70% of illiterates
in the world are women.
Fortunately, in Malaysia women have better chances in education. In 20
public universities, more than half of the students are women. In
private universities, the numbers are about equal. But, women graduates
tend to be less employable in most fields.
There must be gender equality in laws and in real life. This is going to
take a long time. For example, there are unfairness in some of the
provisions in Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act and Inheritance Act.
They need to be amended.
It is necessary to continue to fight for gender equality in theory and
in practice. It is necessary to apoint women who are capable in all
fields. A woman is selected because she has the ability, not because she
is a woman.