View issues with Tan Seng Giaw

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Parliament: Government hospitals

In the supplementary supply, RM201 million were for emolument of the staff members of Heath Ministry in 2014. With the uncertainty in the economy, more patients go to government clinics and hospitals. We hope that the service is better and the staff members more friendly.


GST and government personnel

GST begins in Malaysia. The personnel from Customs, Inland Revenues and Domestic Trade Ministry must be friendly and helpful to taxpayers.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Floods and housing for victims in Malaysia

The allocation for building houses for deserving victims is RM145 million including infrastructure. The project should be implemented successfully.


Prevention of Terrorism Bill (Act) (POTA)

POTA: Today, members of parliament receive Prevention of Terrorism Bill (Act) which gives enforcers extra powers such as inquiry, arrest, panel of prevention of terrorism and detention without trial. Don't abuse these powers.


Sunday, March 29, 2015

An hour of endarkened world

Last night, many people in the world switched off light for an hour as a gesture of being aware of climate change on human earth.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Germanwings 9525 crash

The co-pilot was a suspect in crashing the plane deliberately, murdering 149 victims. The search team found that he threw his medical note, asking him to stop work. What illness had he?


Friday, March 27, 2015

GST implementation

Departments concerned prepare procedures and list of GST-free goods. We hope that these are easy to understand & officers are helpful to taxpayers.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Germanwings flight 9525 crash

Marseille prosecutor reveals from one black box data that co-pilot Adreas Lubitz (28 years old) deliberately crashed the aircraft, killing himself and 149 others. Shocking.


POTA: Prevention of Terrorism Act.

We need draconian laws to deal with militants. The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib vows to use POTA only to ensure national security and it will not be used as a political tool. He should be as good as his words.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Malaysian Football

Sport Ministry has football development project with initiatives, training centres and 'thousands' of coaches. Will FAM support the project effectively?


Alps Plane Crash: 150 persons on board?

Lufthansa's Germanwings budget airline Airbus A320 crashed at the French Alps. 142 passengers and 6 crews may not survive. We sympathise with the families of the victims.


Monday, March 23, 2015

PT3, Form 3 assessment in Malaysia

PT3 is said to assess Form Three students holistically. The Deputy Minister must be able to get teachers who are skillful in carrying out the assessment. The students should understand the test.


Parliament: floods

Minister Datuk Seri Palanivel answered questions about comprehensive study on the causes of floods in the country, including mud floods in Cameron Highlands and foreign workers. Lets hope that all protect the environment.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Taxi fares up?

Media reports taxi drivers will increase their fares, ignoring the Cabinet directive to postpone the hike in the fares of public transport. We are waiting for the Cabinet to confirm it and to take a reasonable action.


Militants: attacks, bombings &:killings.

Sensitivity to Islamic criminal laws such as party political hudud increases as atrocities of militants occur. The Tunisian museum attack killed 25 persons and the Yemen mosque bombings destroyed 124 lives. The militant IS claimed to have done these.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy World Water Day

All are happy to preserve sources of water, trees in catchment areas,  prevent soil erosion at building sites and keep rubbish away from drains, rivers and seas. Save water.


Calligraphy: Putting oneself in another's shoes

This is a quotation from Confucius Analect. In our multireligious country, each religion has its sensitivity. Non-Muslims are very sensitive to Islamic criminal laws such as hudud. The atrocities of militant IS aggravate. Followers of each religion must adopt a moderate attitude and understand the sensitivity of other religions.


Friday, March 20, 2015

Price of goods

Taxi, train and express bus fares go up over 40%. SPAD chairman says this is due to cost increase. The implementation of GST, ringgit value going down and oil price meltdown complicate the situation. The Domestic Trade Minister campaigns to reduce price of goods.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Parliament: abuse of social media

IS militants use social media to recruit youths. We, especially Multimedia Ministry, must try our best to get rid of these activities.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Parliament: Violence against women

I spoke on violence against women over 4000 cases and rapes over 3000 cases a year.  There may be tens of thousands of cases a year. The Government should take comprehensive measures including setting up special department in hospitals to help the victims.


Parliament:Pemandu sebagai pemangkin perubahan

Under the Prime Minister's Department, Pemandu is given 'the mandate as the catalyst for change'. It talks about 196 projects, attracting investment of RM219.3 billion. It is said to give RM100 million to a company to conduct clinical trials on stem cell and joints described as an innovation. Are these trials consistent with international standard?  Did badminton champion Lee Chong Wei receive treatment from the company? We hope the Government will reveal the truth.


Parliament: speech.

Last night, I spoke on laws against militants, overcoming violence against women and Pemandu project under the Prime Minister's Department. We need drastic laws against militants and terrorists. Don't abuse them.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Militants:ASEAN countries are united

Ten ASEAN defence ministers unite to share information and to fight militant IS. We must truly cooperate to eradicate the threat.


Beringin incinerator Kepong: open tender

The Deputy Housing Minister Datuk Halimah told the House that the waste-to-energy project was at the stage of open tender and environmental impact assessment. We monitor the project to find out whether it conforms with international standard.


Monday, March 16, 2015

2014 floods: PM Najib answered questions.

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib told the House about the major flood that might occur once every hundred years, the management, the rehabilitation, the aids and the mitigation. We hope that all projects for the victims including housing are completed satisfactorily.


2014 floods in Malaysia

Last year,floods cost damages of over RM2.8 billion .Rehabilitation such as housing projects for victims is very slow. The Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin visits Japan to learn the ways to face disasters. He wants a warning system. We would like an effective one.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Higher Education Blueprint

The Second Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris wants to implement CGPA, Integrated Cumulative Grade Point, to produce balanced graduates. We encourage suvh type of graduates. But the ministry must overcome obstacles such as bloated university administration, lackadaisical and, at times, sabotaging.


Happy World Consumer Rights Day.

Happy World Consumer Rights Day.


Prevention of Terrorism Act(POTA) and Foreign Fighters' Act(FFA)

The Home Minister Datuk Seri Zahid intends to present two new bills and amend five acts to eradicate terrorists. The Prevention of Terrorism Act ( POTA) and Foreign Fighters' Act (FFA) are to prevent terrorists in the country and to stop foreign fighters from transitting in Malaysia. Whatever the promises, what is important is that these acts must not be abused.


Employees' Provident Fund, EPF (KWSP)

For several years we know the truth. All including the media must remind the public. More than 70 of EPF members cannot depend on the savings to live after retirement. Each member can only withdraw from the savings not more than RM800 a month. By 2030, more than 17% Malaysians will be over 65 years. All need to plan and the Government must help.


The calligraphy means heroines

Some countries have women in power such as India Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher, Sri Lanka Srimavo Bandaranaiki and Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina. Now, there are German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, Norway Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Argentina President Christina Fernandez dan Brazil President Dilma Rouseff.
     WHO days among 3.5 billion women, 33% are victims of domestic violence and 7% risk being raped. In Brazil, 15 women are killed every day in domestic violence. Malaysia should deal with the issue in all aspects.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

The quality of students in Malaysia

The Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin is said to be shocked about the quality of students compared with those in countries such as United States of America. This country spends about RM40 billion a year on education which are affected by many factors. For example, the allocation for profesional development to train teachers has been reduced from RM1.5 billion to about RM960 million. Good teachers produce better students. We call on the Government to raise the quality and welfare of over 400,000 teachers. Education should not be mixed with politics.


Highway accidents: tow truck

When there is an accident in a highway, a tow truck immediately appears. The damaged car is taken to a workshop. The charges for the forced service are in the thiusands of ringgits. We urge the Government to investigate these vultures.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Parliament: Answer question on 1MDB

This morning, the Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Husni spoke about assets, business and finance of 1MDB, stressing on the problems of cash flow. The Audit Department and the Public Accounts Committee try to find out the truth.


Parliament: ASEAN community

The Foreign Ministry promises to implement projects promoting ASEAN Community vision as Chairman of ASEAN this year. We hope that all projects are successfully and that the problems of terrorists from southern Philippines and issues along the Malaysian Thailand border are solved.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Parliament:Education Ministry replied.

Education Ministry uses certain criteria to approve private universities (IPTS) such as company finance, quality of courses,academic staff, teaching and learning, governance, research and development and international connections. Hitherto, how many of the 21 private medical colleges fulfill these criteria? How effective is the monitoring? From 1 May, 2011, the Government has a moratorium to stop approving new medical schools for five years.


International Women's Day

The photo shows Maria Chin Abdullah, Tan Seng Giaw and Wan Azizah discussing the problems faced by women such as domestic violence and rapes. In 2012, there were 3488 cases of domestic violence and 2988 cases of rapes. For every case of rape, there may be 9 cases unreported. The actual number of cases of domestic violence and rapes may be in tens of thousands a year. We have to step up measures to deal with these in all aspects. 


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Parliament: Questions?

This morning, Minister Datuk Seri Shahidan mentioned the causes of floods: excessive rain, lack of trees in catchment areas and spring tides 14-24 December, 2014. But, he lacks answers to questions on measures to prevent irregularities in giving aids to flood victims, the name of catchment areas lacking trees and rehabilitation to disaster areas.


Monday, March 09, 2015


In his royal address, the King stresses the need to strengthen the security and to curb deviant religious beliefs. We need to fight militants suvh as IS.


Dewan Rayat, royal address

Give aids and rehabilitate flood-hit areas. The efforts must be monitored closely: effective, fair and reasonable. Prevent misappropriation and wrong-doings.


Sunday, March 08, 2015

Happy International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day

Saturday, March 07, 2015

1 MDB: directors, auditor, Tun Razak Exchange and Bandar Malaysia

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin believes that a transparent, independent and comprehensive audit will clear the Government-owned fund (1MDB) of any misappropriation or wrong-doings. The Audit Department must look seriously at genuine accounts, directors, auditor, Tun Razak Exchange and Bandar Malaysia. The Public Accounts Committee must put in efforts to find the truth.


Friday, March 06, 2015

International Women's Day dinner

Tan Seng Giaw corrected a little mistake on the banner that displayed the details of the Women's Day dinner on 8.3.2015. DAP Kepong Constituency organizes the dinner at HLT Restaurant, Jinjang North, Kuala Lumpur. YB Dr Wan Azizah, YB Yeo Bee Yin, YB Gan Bei Nei and human rights activist Maria Chin Abdullah will attend.


MH370 disappearance: Where?

One year after the airliner disappears, the search has yet to find the wreckage. Is it within the area of 50000 square km in the southern Indian Ocean?  When will the search be called off?


Thursday, March 05, 2015

EPL Football: Manchester United 1:0 Newcastle

MU tried its bestc and managed to edge the former, remaining at number 4 in the league. The fight for the top four is intense.


1MDB, 1 Malaysia Development Berhad.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib primes 1MDB to be audited by the Audit Department, and then the Public Accounts Committee. Let truth prevails.


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Parliament: Anwar requests to attend.

The Commissioner General of Prisons Datuk Sri Zulkifli rejects Datuk Seri Anwar's request to attend parliament from 9 March to 9 April , 2015. We hope that the Home Ministry reconsiders the decision and approves the request.


Forests and floods

Not all floods are due to logging. Destruction of forest causes multiple problems such as floods. Yesterday, Pelindung Khazanah Alam (PEKA) Forum proposed the freezing of logging licenses for over 10 years and replanting. We should consider the proposal seriously.


Facial hair (sideboards)

Sikh students face problems because of facial hair. Sikh religion requires male followers to wear turban, steel bangle and facial hair. We urge Education Ministry to issue a directive to all headmasters to allow Sikh students to grow facial hair.


Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Militants: Youths are influenced by extremists?

Some believe that youths do not understand jihad (holy war) and are influenced by extremists. Ex Army General Datuk Seri Zaini wants to renew the school system to explain the true meaning of jihad. We need effective explanations?


Monday, March 02, 2015

MH370 Mystery: the wreckage?

Australian Transport Minister Warren Truss says Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia are trying a new method to track planes every 15 minutes, instead of 30 minutes. What happens to the efforts to find the wreckage?


Sunday, March 01, 2015

EPL Football: Manchester United 2:0 Sunderland.

The match was not extraordinary. MU played better. It is still among the top four teams in the league.


Deafness: many can be prevented.

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the world has 360 million deaf people. Exposure to loudness of above 85 decibels for 8 hours is unsafe. Traffic noise can reach 95 decibels. Continued exposure to modern noises such as loud music means the number of deaf people may reach over 1 billion.
