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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leaking pipe in Petaling Jaya

The sudden pipe leakage in Petaling Jaya affects many areas. Selangor Water company, Air Selangor, is trying to repair. We hope that the company reduces the incidence of water disruptions.


New flash point in the Middle East

Flash point in the Middle East.
     Trump eats his words. He lets down the Kurds and withdraws American troop from Northern Syria. Turkey attacks the Kurdish region. The Kurds ask Syria for help. Syria, Russia and Iran consolidate their position.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Traumatic brain injuries

Traumatic brain injuries in Malaysia.
     This country is leading the world in road traffic accidents and traumatic brain injuries. Now, Lancet Journal, UK, publishes the results of Tranexamic Acid on 9000 patients from many nations, finding that the drug is efficacious in traumatic brain injuries. The authorities must evaluate it.


Monday, October 14, 2019

Boris Johnson

In the divided British Parliament, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson struggles to explain the possible Brexit deal before 31.10.19. This overwhelms the agenda of legislations in the Queen's speech.

RM30 million and haze

Budget 2020, RM 30 million and haze.
          Malaysian budget 2020 describes RM30 million to resolve transboundary haze. People are worried about peat and forest fires. Diplomacy and patience are talking points in coffee shops.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Digital Malaysia

Malaysian budget 2020 mentions RM21.6 billion public-private partnership to build Digital Malaysia. Malaysians want effective implementation.
     Facebook introduces cyber currency, Libra, which is based on American dollar. Is this digital currency an angel or a devil?


Friday, October 11, 2019

2020 Malaysian budget Rm297 billion

The Education Ministry continues to get the most allocation, RM64.1 billion (nearly 21.6%) out of the total Malaysian 2020  budget of RM297 billion. This includes RM1.67 billion for free breakfast programme and RM735 million to upgrade and upkeep schools. Let us hope that there will be no wastage and irregularities.


Global economy slowdown

Factors such as global economy slowdown, slow investment growth and weakening export in Malaysia, rising cost of living and food prices going up make Malaysians worried.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Youth unemployment

Youth Unemployment in Malaysia.
          Youth unemployment in the world is difficult to overcome. What are the root causes in Malaysia?
          In this country the youth unemployment rate is said to be 10.9% compared with national rate 3.3%. Or is it 18%? We want to know the real urban and rural rate.


Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Free breakfast

Free Breakfast
          Education Ministry may spend up to RM1.67 billion a year to implement the programme, providing free breakfast for 2.69 million pupils in Malaysian primary schools. Please do not waste the money.


Tuesday, October 08, 2019

UN High Commissioner for Refugees

UNHCR registers in Malaysia about 177,690 refugees and asylum-seekers, 153,770 of whom are from Myanmar.  They remain in this country for many years. The United Nations must do something to relocate these people.

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Monday, October 07, 2019

Health data

Digital world advances. For example, information on patients are kept as data. This can be used or misused. The public must be careful.


Rainy season

The haze goes away as the rainy season reduces the number of forest fires. We hope that countries affected by annual haze such as Malaysia try again to prevent the air pollution.


Sunday, October 06, 2019

English Premier League

English Premier League, Liverpool 2:1 Leicester. Liverpool mounted many attacks. Then, it needed a penalty for Liverpool to win. Although it is early in the season, Liverpool shows that it is determined.


Saturday, October 05, 2019

Water quality

The water company, Air Selangor said that in the last week it received 1143 complaints on foul-smelling water. It must make sure that the measures to monitor water quality are effective.


Paper invented in China

The US and paper-making.
     About 2000 years ago, China invented paper from wood. Now, she produces paper US$18 billion a year and the US$ 12.5 billion.  Xi Jin-ping has not reminded Donald Trump that America  has stolen the secrets of making paper.


Thursday, October 03, 2019

5G in Malaysia

The agreement on 3.10.19 between Maxis Berhad and Huawei Technologies Malaysia to provide 5G network reminds Malaysians that we need to keep up with the time. Lets hope that the country will see a world class service.


Deafness due to bullying

A student is deaf in his right ear as a result of school bullying. Terengganu High Court handed down a verdict with a fine of RM616,634.20 on nine parties, including five former students, former school senior assistant, former headmaster, director-general of education and government.
     What do you think?


Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Bullying at schools

A United Nations Children's Fund survey in 2018 showed eight out of 10 students claimed to experience bullying in Malaysian schools. Parents are worried.
     All concerned must ensure effective action to prevent school bullying.


Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Johnson has a Brexit strategy

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he has a strategy for Brexit due on 31.10.2019.  European Union and British Parliament are waiting for the details. Will Brexit be without a deal?


Long wait for patients

The problem of waiting for a long time to get treatment continues in Malaysian government hospitals. For example, Selayang Hospital receives about 3000 patients a day. Each patient waits for over two hours to get registered. The Health Ministry must improve the situation.
