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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Efficient and clean management of investment catchment areas

The people want development. But, it must be clean and efficient, taking care of the environment. Whether it is Pengerang or Iskandar or other areas, the Government should not ride roughshod over the people. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak describes Johor as an “investment catchment area” for its attractiveness in drawing in multi-billion ringgit investments which will bring huge benefits to its people. Lets hope that there are no irregularities in the management of these areas. Lets hope that we can see efficiency and clean management with balanced development.

Postal voting must be fair

Malaysians are concerned about postal voting. For many general elections, some voters believe that there were hanky-pankies.
The Foreign Ministry is ready for postal voting for Malaysians abroad. We hope that the ministry will truly carry out its duty in the interest of Malaysians, fair and square.  The Election Commission should be transparent, showing the people that it is really clean in amending the relevant rules for postal voting. Let us have clean and fair general elections.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Central Government must really reconsider the use of AES

People continue to be unhappy over the Transport Ministry's insistence on Automatic Enforcement System, AES, which places cameras at strategic positions to penalize motorists. The system has been privatized. As the siting of AES cameras at state roads requires the permission of the state government, Kelantan and Penang have asked for reconsideration of the matter. The Central Government must look for fair methods of handling millions of Malaysian motorists.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Avoid sensitive religious and racial issues

Now, there are certain people who spread the message in towns, saying that if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) forms the Federal Government, people will have their arms and legs cut off. On the other hand, in villages, they say all Muslims will become Christians. PAS has ruled Kelantan for 22 years, it is not a state in which people have no arms and no legs. PR has run the Penang State Government for about four years and no Muslims have been forced to become Christians. We have the responsibility to advise people to refrain from using sensitive religious and racial issues to insult other religion or race. We also have the responsibility to reject leaders who exploit these sensitive issues.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Marilah kita bersama-sama menuju ke Putrajaya

Ucapan Dr Tan Seng Giaw, Timbalan Pengerusi Kebangsaan DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Kepong, di Konvensyen Khas Pakatan Rakyat, PR, di Kuantan pada 21.10.2012.

Saya berasa gembira dapat menyertai Konvensyen ini bersama-sama dengan saudara-saudari untuk persiapan yang bererti dan bersejarah di Kuantan. Kita menghadapi pelbagai masalah dan halangan. Kita terpaksa mencari jalan supaya kita boleh bersama-sama memara ke Putrajaya.

Perdana Menteri YAB Datuk Seri Najib mengulangi bahawa PR adalah tidak mampu untuk menerajui kerajaan persekutuan. Hari ini, kita mengupas keadaan dan mendapati bahawa tanggapan beliau adalah salah. Kita tahu kerangka Kerajaan Barisan Nasional, BN, adalah lapuk. Kita tahu yang lapuk ini tidak dapat ditransformasikan. Kita tahu ia mestilah digantikan dengan sistem kerajaan PR yang cocok dengan zaman terkini.

Selepas 55 tahun Kemerdekaan

Zaman beralih, masa berubah. Lima puluh lima tahun yang lepas, para pengasas semua kaum yang dipimpin oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman membawa kita ke kemerdekaan dengan cita-cita yang murni yang terkandung dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan termasuk nilai-nilai, prinsip-prinsip hak-hak asasi, kebebasan dan kebahagiaan. Selepas 55 tahun, wajah Malaysia sudah betukar daripada negara pertanian kepada industri dan daripada separuh universiti awam, Universiti Malaya, kepada 20 buah universiti awam, Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam, IPTA. Selepas 55 tahun, terdapat banyak dasar yang kurang adil. Selepas 55 tahun, kilang Lynas dengan sisa radioaktif boleh dibina di Gebeng, Kuantan. Selepas 55 tahun, jurang di antara yang miskin dengan yang kaya adalah besar. Selepas 55 tahun, perpaduan di antara kaum adalah kurang. Selepas 55 tahun, kualiti pendidikan dari sekolah rendah hingga univerisiti adalah diragui. Selepas 55 tahun, gejala rasuah berleluasa.

Sekarang menginsafi

Sekarang, rakyat menginsafi bahawa cita-cita prinsip-prinsip dan nilai-nilai yang tercakup dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan masih juah untuk dicapai. Pelbagai faktor menimbulkan gejala-gejala serius jenayah dan gengsterisme di kalangan kaum. Sekarang, rakyat menginsafi bahawa sistem kerajaan BN perlu digantikan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang lebih adil dan lebih saksama. YAB Najib melaungkan 1 Malaysia. Tetapi, timbalannya YAB Muhyiddin menekankan 2 Malaysia. Sekarang, rakyat menginsafi YAB hendak transformasi, misalnya ekonomi. Ada 130 projek dengan jumlah pelaburan RM203.1 bilion. Malangnya, amalannya tidak ada ketelusan dan tidak ada akauntabiliti. Sekarang, rakyat menginsafi bahawa Transparency International menganggarkan ketirisan di negara ini adalah lebih 30%. Cuba bayangkan ketirisan dari RM203.1 bilion, mungkin adalah lebih RM70 bilion.

Sekarang, rakyat menginsafi bahawa YAB Najib menegaskan bahawa nilai etika diamalkan bendung gejala rasuah di akar umbi. Akan tetapi, apabila seorang Ketua Menteri mengundurkan diri semasa mesyuarat EXCO membuat keputusan untuk meluluskan beribu-ribu hektar tanah kepada sanak-saudaranya, beliau tidak boleh dihadapkan ke mahkamah oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia, SPRM. Jika perkara ini berlaku di Hong Kong atau Singapura, beliau sudah lama dimasuk ke rumah Yang di-Pertuan Agung.

Sekarang, rakyat menginsafi bahawa SPRM haruslah dijadikan Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan yang hanya bertanggungjawb kepada parlimen. SPRM memerlukan 5,000 kakitangan. Kini, ia mempunyai 1,600 tanpa mengira kerani. Belanjawan 2013 memperuntukan RM276 juta dan pertambahan kakitangan 150 orang setahun. Pertambahannya mestilah sekurang-kurangnya 500 orang setahun dan peruntukan Rm400 atau rM500 juta setahun.


Kita mempunyai harapan untuk menggantikan BN di Putrajaya sebagai Kerajaan Persekutuan. Kita mempunyai harapan untuk mencapai cita-cita, nilai-nilai dan pinsip-prinsip yang tercakup dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kita mempunyai harapan untuk menggunakan kemampuan menerajui kerajaan persekutuan. YAB Najib mengulangi bahawa PR tidak mampu menerajui kerajaan pusat. Cuba lihat keupayaan PR di Kedah, Kelantan, Pulau Pinang dan Selangor. Kita mempunyai kemampuan untuk menguruskan kewangan Malaysia seperti yang ditunjukkan di Selangor dan Pulau Pinang. Belanjawan yang defisit diuruskan menjadi belanjawan berlebihan. Kita mempunyai harapan untuk melaksanakan dasar-dasar PR yang terkandung dalam Buku Jingga.

Kerangka kerajaan BN sudah lapuk. Kita mampu mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan. Kita mampu memenuhi cita-cita rakyat.

Sungai Kuantan ikan kurang,
   Pendayung patah balik lelah lesu;
Kilang Lynas perlu ditentang,
   Nak pecah ruyung mendapat sagu.

Semua terpaksa berusaha kuat untuk mencapai cita-citanya. Kilang yang mengeluarkan sisa radioaktif yang perlahan diizinkan beroperasi di Gebeng, Kuantan.

Kita mempunyai peluang untuk memberi rakyat hak-hak kehidupan dan pengejaran mencapai kebahagiaan. Kita menerangkan gula-gula yang dihulurkan oleh BN. Ibarat burung mulut manis jangan dipakai.

Kita mempunyai peluang untuk memperjuangkan matlamatnya tanpa kekerasan. Kita memperjuangkan secara aman dan damai. Kita menghadapi pelbagai rintangan. Ibarat telur, pecah satu pecah semuanya.

Pisang sesikat,
  Gulai sebelanga;
Tanda muafakat,

Marilah kita bersama-sama memara ke Putrajaya.

Together Lets March Towards Putrajaya

On Sunday, October 21, 2012, Seng Giaw Tan wrote:

Speech by Dr Tan Seng Giaw, Deputy National Chairman and MP for Kepong at the Pakatan Rakyat Special Convention in Kuantan on 21.10.2012.

I am happy to be with you at this Covention which is a meaningful and historical event. We face various problems. We have to find a way so that together we can march towards Putrajaya.

The Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib reiterates that PR is not capable of holding the rein of Federal Government. Today, we are gathered here to analyse the situation and to tell the Prime Minister that his view is wrong. We know that the framework of Barisan Nasional (BN) is dilapidated. We know that this cannot be transformed. We know that this dilapidated framework has to be replaced by PR system, consistent with the modern world.

After 55 years of Merdeka

Time changes. Fifty five years ago, the founding fathers led by Tunku Abdul Rahman laid down the foundation for Merdeka in the Federal Constitution with ideals, values and principles on basic rights, freedom and happiness. After 55 years, the face of Malaysia has changed from an agricultural country towards industrial society, from half a university, a branch of University of Malaya from Singapore, to 20 public universities. After 55 years, there is lack of fairness in many policies. After 55 years, Lynas rare earth factory with slowly radioactive waste has been built in Gebeng, Kuantan. After 55 years, the gap between the poor and the rich is wide. After 55 years, there is lack of unity among the races. After 55 years, the quality of education from primary, secondary to tertiary levels is still doubtul. After 55 years, corruption is rife.

Now People Are Aware

Now, people are aware that the ideals, the principles and the values enshrined in the Federal Constitution are still far off. Multiple factors contribute to serious crimes and gangsterism among the races. Now, people are aware that the BN system of government must be replaced to create a more equal society. YAB Najib talks of 1 Malaysia. His deputy YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin stresses on 2 Malaysia. Now, the people are aware that YAB Najib reiterates on transformations. For example, economic transformation involves 130 projects with total investment estimated at RM203.1 billion. Unfortunately, there is lack of transparency and accountability. Now, the people are aware that Transparency International estimates that the leakages in Malaysia are over 30 percent. Just imagine the leakages for RM203.1 billion may be more than RM70 billion.

Now, the people are aware that YAB Najib says that ethical values must be practised to tackle corruption at grassroots level. But, when a Chief Minister leaves the chair as the state EXCO meeting approves vast parcels of land to his or her relatives, he or she cannot be charged for corruption according to the existing laws. If he or she were to be in Hong Kong or Singapore, he or she would have been languishing in jail.

Now, the people are aware that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) must be elevated to be a service commission, responsible only to parliament. It requires 5,000 personnel. But, it only has 1,600 excluding administrative staff members. The 2013 national budget allocates only RM276 million and an annual increase of 150 personnel whereas it needs at least RM 400 million and personnel increase of RM 500 a year.

We have hopes

We have the hope of replacing BN in Putrajaya as the Federal Government. We have the hope of trying to achieve the ideals, the values and the principles enshrined in the Federal Constitution. We have the hope of using our capability to run the Federal Government. We have the hope of managing the federal finance effectively as shown in the PR state governments such as Penang and Selangor. We have the hope of implementing PR policies as contained in the Orange Book.

We must be truly determined to overcome the obstacles and to uphold the wishes of the people, such as dealing with Lynas Rare Earth factory.

Sungai Kuantan ikan kurang,
   Pendayung patah balik lelah lesu;
Kilang Lynas perlu ditentang,
   Nak pecah ruyung mendapat sagu.

We have the opportunity to fight for the rights of life and the pursuits of happiness for Malaysians. We explain to the people the goodies and the subsidies offered by BN are from taxes.

Kita mempunyai peluang untuk memberi rakyat hak-hak kehidupan dan pengejaran mencapai kebahagiaan. Kita menerangkan gula-gula yang dihulurkan oleh BN. Ibarat burung mulut manis jangan dipakai.

We have the opportunity to engage in non-violence struggle for the people. We engage in peaceful struggle.

Kita mempunyai peluang untuk memperjuangkan matlamatnya tanpa kekerasan. Kita memperjuangkan secara aman dan damai. Kita menghadapi pelbagai rintangan. Ibarat telur, pecah satu pecah semuanya.

Pisang sesikat,
  Gulai sebelanga;
Tanda muafakat,

Together let us march towards Putrajaya.
Marilah kita bersama-sama memara ke Putrajaya.

Friday, October 19, 2012

More attention for raising the quality of teachers

According to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, it is time for the Government to double its efforts to train enough teachers of quality so that they can be sent to the rural areas and the interior.

Malaysia has 410,000 teachers. Some are good and some are not so good. YAB Muhyiddin has admitted that there must be efforts such as special courses to make them better teachers. Naturally, it is complicated. All concerned must pay greater attention. For example, courses in teachers' training institutes must be improved, consistent with the modern world. The Government must review the effectiveness of the special courses for teachers who are in service. We need good teachers in urban and rural areas.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Tan Seng Giaw (@Senggiaw) tweeted at 11:53 PM on Wed, Oct 17, 2012: 私人教育机构呈上31359个海外学生的申请书,高等教育部拒绝349个。高教部,内政部尤其是移民厅和私人教育机构,必须关注,并采取有效的措施,以便确保只有真正的学生被录取。2011年警察扣留224名所谓学生,因为他她们被怀疑牵涉犯罪活动。 ( Get the official Twitter app at

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Tan Seng Giaw (@Senggiaw) tweeted at 11:53 PM on Wed, Oct 17, 2012: 私人教育机构呈上31359个海外学生的申请书,高等教育部拒绝349个。高教部,内政部尤其是移民厅和私人教育机构,必须关注,并采取有效的措施,以便确保只有真正的学生被录取。2011年警察扣留224名所谓学生,因为他她们被怀疑牵涉犯罪活动。 ( Get the official Twitter app at

Pemantauan berkesan ke atas pelajar asing

Tan Seng Giaw (@Senggiaw) tweeted at 10:05 PM on Wed, Oct 17, 2012:

Kerajaan sering menyebutkan matlamat untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai pusat pendidikan antarabangsa. Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. Kementerian Dalam Negeri terutamanya Jabatan Imigresen dan IPTS haruslah sentiasa berwaspada untuk menentukan pelajar-pelajar adalah tulen. Pada tahun 2011, 224 'pelajar' telah ditahan polis kerana disyaki terlibat dengan jenayah.

Kementerian menolak 349 dari 31359 permohonan IPTS untuk pelajar asing. Semua pihak mestilah berjaga-jaga lalu memastikan pelajar tulen. ( Get the official Twitter app at

Effective monitor of foreign students

Tan Seng Giaw (@Senggiaw) tweeted at 9:30 PM on Wed, Oct 17, 2012:
The Government wants to make Malaysia an international education hub. The Higher Education Ministry, the Home Ministry, especially the Immigrating Department and the respective educational institutes must have better coordinated and effective supervision to ensure that all are genuine students.

The Higher Education Ministry rejects 349 out of 31, 359 applications from private institutes for foreign students. In 2011, 224 'students' were detained.  ( Get the official Twitter app at

Monday, October 15, 2012

Magnanimity, a hallmark of leadership.

I have been asked from time to time how I would deal with my political opponents. I believe that a brave leader forgives for the sake of peace in the country. This depends on individual cases. This is a hallmark of magnanimity.

After doing hard labour for 27 years on Robben Island, South Africa, Nelson Mandela has forgiven his former tormentors. This is a part of African culture.

Mandela says: courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace. ...Find a way to forgive without forgetting.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Education Minister & Malaysian English teachers

Today, YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin talks about bringing in 25 more English Teaching Assisstants (ETAs) next year to help enhance students' proficiency in the language. Apparently, President Obama and Prime Minister YAB Najib did discuss th Fulbright English Teacher Assisstant Prgramme. The Malaysian-American Commission Educational Exchange (MACEE) are jointly administering the programme. Hitherto, 50 ETAs are in Malaysia.

We do not know how effective is the programme in raising the standard of English. Besides looking for more ETAs, I wonder if the Education Minister is searching for Malaysian English teachers including those who have left the government service. If he were to make full use of the Malaysian talents, we may also see a better standard of English in the country.

The implementation of Automatic Enfoecement System (AES) must be fair

We feel that Transport Minister Datuk Kong Cho Ha must review the effects of AES on drivers. Now, he reminds those who have received notices or summons to appeal directly to the court, not to his ministry. He has not been able to show that AES implementation is fair and that it has reduced the accident rate drastically. These naturally cause discontent.

The minister must explain whether the privatisation of AES encourages the company to put closed circuit TV and camera at strategic sites where motorists are likely to break the law. The more pictures are taken, the more summons and fines are imposed. The company makes money on unfortunate motorists who naturally feel unhappy.

We hope that motorists will not break the laws such as going through red light. In Malaysia, will AES reduce the rate of accidents?

Monday, October 08, 2012

Projects in their true values

Projects in their true values

In the past four years, PM YAB Najib has implemented Economic Transformation Programmes ITP) and New Economic Model. Hitherto, 138 ETP projects have been announced, with an estimate of RM203.1 bilion investment. The economic growth of Malaysia is forecasted as 4 to 5% in 2012.

These projects include Kuala Lumpur Mass Transit (MRT). LRT Extension, RRI Land Development, Fast Petronas Project, Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) and1 Malaysia Housing Project. It is important to prevent leakages. In this country, the leakages are estimated to be over 30%.

For instance, KLIA2 project was planned to be at KLIA North with an initial cost of RM1.7 billion. It was to be completed in 2011. It is now being built in KLIA West at the estimated cost of RM4 billion. It is scheduled to be completed in 2013.

The Prime Minister has stressed the importance of CTI, swift, accurate and integrity. We must follow these standards, especially in implementing the 138 ITP projects. We hope YAB Najib pay appropriate attention, walking the talk.

We have to strive for transparency such as open tender. We want these projects to be implemented according to their true values. From RM203.1 billion, how many tens of billions can be saved?

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Reflect the actual situation in Malaysia for scialists' return home

Reflect the actual situation in Malaysia for specialists' return home

There are thousands of Malaysians working overseas. When Talent Corporation (TalentCorp) goes out of the country to attract them home, the reports are favourable. For example, TalentCorp went to Melbourne yesterday. Bernama reports:

Malaysia's Talent Corporation (TalentCorp) has completed its two-day outreach programme here (Melbourne) with outstanding success with hundreds of Malaysians mulling the benefits of returning to seize employment and well-being opportunities available in Malaysia's fast-developing economy.
A good indication was the good turnout of more than 60 Malaysian doctors and pharmacists working here, to listen to Health deputy director Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah's explaining Malaysia's 1Care concept which involved the integration of private and public health to achieve better and universal medical outcomes.
He assured young doctors and specialists of a good income and that they would be working in international standard hospitals.'
The Government should let us know the number of professionals who return to this country in the last four years, including the types of specialists who are likely to do so. It is necessary for the authorities to review the situation. For instance, why should specialists who come back be given incentives, when those remain in the country are not getting them? They may not like the returnees. What types of jobs are available? Jobs in government hospitals are almost always full. What happens to those posts in GLC hospitals such as Khazanah's chain of hospitals, Pantai Hospitals and Gleneagles?
Lets have the truth about those specialists who wish to return home. They may have to overcome obstacles such as bureaucracy and availability of posts.
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Saturday, October 06, 2012

How do we make democracy mature and vibrant?

PM YAB Najib says that Malaysia is moving towards a more mature & vibrant democracy, allowing protests & excercise of human rights. The ways he dealt with Bersih protests made people question question his claim. Lets see how he handles more peaceful demonstrations. Malaysia needs a clean electoral roll as well as fair and just general elections.

Friday, October 05, 2012

Make MACC a Service Commission

DAP Deputy Chairman and MP for Kepong Dr Tan Seng Giaw calls on the Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib to consider seriously a constitutional amendment to elevate Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to a Service Commission, responsible only to Parliament.

In his speech at the 6th International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities Conference (IAACA) and General Meeting at the KL Convention Centre, Najib said what should be disconcerting is how corruption and corrupt behaviour are entangled deep within the moral fabric of all societies.
“If we view corruption as truly unethical and immoral behaviour, we cannot stop at just looking at the public officials and politicians who abuse their powers – we must go much further than that.
Najib says that corruption is a stumbling block of economic development, annulling the effects of public policies. Anti-corruption is in the main government agenda, showing that he takes it seriously.
In the 2013 Budget, MACC is allocated RM175 million, whereas it requires more than RM350 million. 
It needs at least 3000 more personnel.
Besides moral values and financial allocations, one important factor is the independence of MACC. Now, the status of the Chief Commissioner is equivalent to secretary-generals of a government ministry. He or she is beholden to the Chief Secretary. Hence, it is important to consider seriously the amendment to the Federal Constitution, to make MACC a service commission, so that it is only responsible to Parliament.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Strict monitoring of 506 private colleges

Now, there are 506 private institutes of higher learning in Malaysia, including 34 universities and 32 inactive colleges. Some colleges have unregistered classrooms and the quality of education is lacking. We insist that there should be strict monitoring of these colleges, especially those that admit foreign students. We must make sure that they are genuine students.

Change of social attitude for women graduates

PM YAB Najib talks about encouraging setting up kindergartens to have women graduates. One estimate shows that women constitute 65 to 68% university students, but only 46% are employed. Besides kindergartens, there are other factors such as social attitude towards women. These factors have to be addressed.

Police Omnipresence

Police omnipresence

This morning, Home Minister YB Hisham digresses in Parliament on the 2013 budget allocations for the police such as salaries & facilities like 1000 additional motorcycles. He stresses police omnipresence to prevent crimes.

Serious Crimes

Serious crimes

We have debated in Parliament the seriousness of crimes in the country with the Home Minister YB Hishamuddin. We have discussed with the police such as the Police Station in Kepong. I have met victims like Datuk Norisan, Kepong Umno Youth. He was robbed and he sustained injury.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Strict monitoring of foreign students in Malaysia

It is correct to make Malaysia a higher education centre. Although the authorities maintain that there is supervision, problems such as fake students and quality of education appear from time to time. The Higher Education Ministry must have an effective strategy to monitor tens of thousands foreign students and the quality of higher education.

Ensure that all allocations in the 2013 Budget reach the targets

In the RM251.6 billion Budget, YAB Najib has given many allocations including BR1M. People believe these are goodies. These must truly reach the intended targets. Tax-payers pay.